
How does this new venture effect your work in the X-men series of books? Will we still be seeing you in the X-men group of writers after Inferno?

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I'm out at the end of Inferno. The group is in good hands. Plans in place (that I helped with) for years. Killer writers coming into the room as well. It's in good shape, but I have to go do another project at Marvel.

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Love what you created and started with the X-Line and looking forward to where that story goes over the years.

Can't wait to see what else you bring to Marvel. Always a pleasure!

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Very sad to see you go, but excited to see what’s next.

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In case someone hasn't seen the news https://ew.com/books/inferno-jonathan-hickman-last-x-men-comic/

I'm still curious about the chances of us seeing a version of the "third act" later down the line and/or details on what the original plan was supposed to be (though for the latter I imagine we'd at least have to wait until the 'revised plan'/'krakoa era' is over)

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Really want to know this. I love this idea and wouldnt mind if Hickman just does one mini series a year, but I really love his work on X men and how ir reinvented my favourite parte of Marvel so I would love to see more of it. Buy yeah I understand that this plataform is very good for writers and not having all of the solicitations and rights problem is great and I hope this universo becomes incridible. Keep up the good work

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It's official. He's leaving.

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1. I have several questions about the actual comics. What form will comics take? Single page posts or entire issues? Will issues be downloadable? Is there some method to archive them so you could just read the story straight through without other kinds of posts?

2. If I changed from annual to founding, would I keep my initial place in line for the rewards outlined?

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Sorry about the deleted comment. I spoiled something I wasn't supposed to yet. Apologies. Apologies all around. (Answers coming very soon).

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These are great questions

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Besides the question of what happens to the queue if you change payment tiers, is there any place to check what our position in it is? (i.e. was I one of the top 100/250/500? If I haven't subscribed yet, can I have any idea if those slots have been filled?)

The founding option seems to have a lot of uncertainties of it (moreso than the other tiers). I trust this project will be awesome and the rewards to be cool, but I'm not in the US, so I imagined I'd have issues with any physical rewards. Even despite that, an extra investment of 170 dollars a year (3 times the 'regular' subscription) seems like a considerable amount of my budget I'm not comfortable spending without knowing what the bonus (or even the regular comics) are or having familiarity with this model (on a Patreon/Kickstarter I'd at least have a bit more of an idea of what I'm signing up for). I know the surprise is part of the point of it, but having a bit more clarity on what subscribing means (for all tiers) would be very helpful

Does Founding Member really mean I'll continue to pay 250 dollars per year, or is it 250 dollars for the first year, and later I become a regular (annual) subscriber? If the former, will there be continuous rewards for Founding Members every year to justify the cost?

Assuming it's indeed a 250 dollars/year commitment, what happens to the tiers if I change my mind (or my financial circunstances) later on? If in some months, or even a year from now, this is my favorite thing ever and I want to start paying you 250 dollars a year, would I still be able to enter "founder tier"? (or possibly an equivalent tier with a more appropriate name)

Alternatively, if one year from now I'm not able to continue paying, will I no longer be considered a founding member even though I was there from the start?

Is there any length estimate of for how long 3W3M will run? (i.e. is it planned as a closed story, or given the 'concept universe' nature of it the idea is for new stories to continue being published indefinitely? If the latter, won't you get tired of it eventually/change the production throughput greatly?)

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We're going to be going at least a couple years (almost certainly longer the way things are looking). As for your other questions I think I answered them above. The one thing I could answer is what's exactly in the Founding Tier because we're not ready to release that yet, so I'd just hold off until you hear. No pressure, man. Have fun.

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Is there anymore news re founding tier?

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Anyone interested in joining an *unofficial* 3W3M discord server?

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Do you want me to post this above? A perma-link to it in the FAQ?

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Yes that would be great! We have a strong group so far. I do not want to spam the link but also do not want anyone interested to miss it. Any help boosting visibility is a go! 🙏

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I'm down.

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The one question I had is that being a founding member will I qualify for the ashcan? I saw that the first 100 annual receive it and you said that there will only even be 100 made. But then you said that founding members get everything included. Just want to clarify....thank you!

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See the post above about what tiers get what. (But yes).

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We also can’t wait for the 8th issue of Decorum!!

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Decorum literally blew my mind today.

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Aug 20, 2021Liked by Jonathan Hickman

Discord Update: We have reached 100 members!! Unfortunately this means the link above in the FAQ has expired. Here is a new permanent invitation link. Admins if you can update the link in the FAQ, thanks! https://discord.gg/AkDuYq8z64

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Aug 20, 2021Liked by Jonathan Hickman

Is there any chance that you might release some of your other works like Feel Better Now or Frontier on this platform?

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Definitely not any time soon.

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Had to try.

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Aug 18, 2021Liked by Jonathan Hickman

I'm curious if you'll ever consider allowing for submissions. The medium is ripe for an engaged exchange between creator and audience. Also, seem like it'd be fun to play with the line between story/fan-fiction.

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It might be fun to do a contest or something like that. I probably should ask the lawyers about it.

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Aug 18, 2021Liked by Jonathan Hickman

Will we follow specific characters throughout the cycle? Oh, and do they have things like art, entertainment or sports in their culture?

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Yes. and Yes.

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Thank you

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Aug 17, 2021Liked by Jonathan Hickman

Glad to be here

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Glad to have you.

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Will the comic be divided in subseries? Will there be a calendar with weekly or monthly issues so we know when are the comics coming out? (or pages or how you intend to organize the comic)

As always keep up the good work!!!

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We'll probably keep you guessing for the most part, but there are definitely going to be rhythms to this whole thing. You guys will probably pick up on it pretty quick.

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Will we be following multiple characters or focusing on a primary character as they venture through the three worlds and three moons?

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Multiple characters where they're the primary in their own stories. (It'll make sense later).

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While I am very excited to see the content created here, I've read some questionable things regarding Substack in terms of some of the creators the platform is choosing to host and support. I've also read that other authors and artists that announced comic projects this week have acknowledged this and are some are going so far as to provide monetary support to those marginalized groups affected by the actions of folks like Graham Linehan. Will you be doing anything similar?

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Of course (And no need to double post, it might take a little while, but we'll get to everything).

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This is great. I’m very excited. I asked before and you mentioned that you’d have more info soon, but if I originally subscribed as an annual member then the next day changed to founding, does that count as now being a founding member? It looks like I’m not. Still so intrigued and will be here everyday the moment you post something new! Thank you!!

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I did the same and asked this question to substack support. They indicated if you switch you are considered founding but I would, of course, want JH to confirm.

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Yea I guess we just don’t get the cool little emblem next to our names lol

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I would really hope by upgrading to founder after a day, that I don't miss out on any benefits. For $250, I want the cool little emblem.

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Is that what that emblem is? Wonder if they can update that?

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Yea I don't have one either..sadness

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I think we have to go in and add the emblem for people who upgraded to founding tier members, but we'll do that (we have editorial help starting here soon). Hang tight. I mean, I get it. It is a cool emblem.

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THis has already been asked but i want to stress how many of us want this answer, so i'm asking as well. Hickman - does this mean you are leaving the X-men books?

I am here in full support of this new Substack venture either way - but with so little info to go on about the substack venture i can't form intelligent questions about it yet, so i default to the X-men question.

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Yes. I'm already working on my next thing for Marvel while I wrap up Inferno, but I wouldn't worry too much about the X-Line. I know what's coming for the next couple of years (and I helped in the planning of it), and it's very cool. You'll like who all is coming into the office to work on books as well.

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Hoping someday we hear a little more about what you had planned for the other 2 phases.

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This article seems to confirm he's leaving "for now" https://ew.com/books/inferno-jonathan-hickman-last-x-men-comic/

Still hoping we eventually get to see the planned finale (or a version of it), and some thoughts on this by Hickman himself. :)

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There are a lot of articles coming out explaining what the office is doing and I'm doing quite a few interviews as well.

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i saw that sadly. i'm bummed. still excited for Substack (and any new Hickman work) but i'm sad. The X-men hadn't been good in 30 years (ignorning Morrison and Whedon) and he brought them back to prominence. I'd love to see the 'why the X-men are no fun anymore' document he wrote up prior to his pitch.

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Will there be any sort of schedule or calendar for upcoming updates? Or will they be randomly timed surprises each time?

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