We are building this concept universe so we can tell stories in it for years to come. We have big plans, but we aren’t building a sandbox to play in it alone. It’s better with friends, especially when your friends are incredibly talented and help you look at your own work in a brand new light.
This is why we made [LEGENDS], our next 200-page volume, featuring stories set in the 3 Worlds / 3 Moons universe by some of our favorite creators. Over the last month, we brought you HEIR MEDICINE, by the 20th Century Men team of Deniz Camp and Stipan Morian, which you can read here (Part 1, Part 2), and THE CHARLATAN by Drive Like Hell’s Rich Douek and Alex Cormack (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3).
How do we follow up two phenomenal stories like those? Glad you asked…
Dan Watters and DaNi need no introduction. They’ve previously collaborated on Coffin Bound and Arkham City: The Order of the World. We made sure their next fantastic collaboration was here at 3 Worlds / 3 Moons, and it absolutely does not disappoint.
Next week, they’ll be delivering part 1 of SACRIFICE, a special story about a wealthy and ardent worshipper of Voda-In-Glory who loses everything. It’s a fantastic look at faith (and sacrifice) told by an all-star creative team.
It’s been a joy watching these pages come in, so we’re more than happy to share a look at some of DaNi’s work with colors by the one and only Dave Stewart:
SACRIFICE will be made available exclusively for our paid subscribers. Don’t miss out and be upset later, you can get access to this story soon, and much, much more:
3 Worlds / 3 Moons is a reader-supported initiative. If you like what we’re doing and want to get access to great comics, events, exclusive merch and discounts from EMPORIA, and want more from us, please:
To get even more, you can also:
SACRIFICE is coming your way next Thursday. We can’t wait for you to read it and to welcome these fantastic creators to our worlds.
Any update on reward fulfillment? 🙌
Was just coming here to ask the same thing as Grant. Year 2 Reward shipping. It’s been a while since we heard anything about this. Would appreciate an update please?