Aug 25, 2021Liked by Jonathan Hickman

Thank you for the PDF link, upgraded images, and the small little corrections. It makes me happy that all the comments are being considered. Feels truly being part of the community.

I do realise how much of a bummer it must be to see these comments on the very first post itself, where most of us sounded like we were complaining. But given this is a new way to consume comic-content, this is only in the initial phases where we highlight what's working and what's not. I'm glad that feedback is being considered. And I know I speak for everyone when I say how much we all liked the first chapter; and the discord is just going wild right now with all the fan-theories (that would never make it to reddit LOL).

Once again, thank you! The story is off to a great start.

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It's not a bummer at all. We're all kind of figuring this out together. So we need the feedback. (If you guys would have said: This really sucks, so no need for better files. Then we would have been bummed.) All good.

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Is this Discord available to everyone? Do you have a link?

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Yes available for everyone: https://discord.gg/AkDuYq8z64

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Aug 24, 2021Liked by Jonathan Hickman

Great start! Interesting hook. Will there be a dedicated reader app or will we be able to download files (.cbz, .cbr) to read on 3rd party apps? Just want to see this art in as hi-res as possible!

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I updated the files to higher Rez and you can grab a PDF at the bottom now. Should be an update soon about formats, sizes, etc.

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Thank you, sir, and to all involved in the emergence of these worlds and their stories.

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Thank you!

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Awesome thanks! This is perfect

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you can make it in the cbr yourself. Just download the images to a folder, pack it into a zip file, and rename the file to .cbr. Use your regular cbr reader...I just did. But hi-res images would surely be welcome.

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Aug 24, 2021Liked by Jonathan Hickman

Would love a download as well

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Aug 24, 2021Liked by Jonathan Hickman

On a tablet, I've found that opening the email to print, and saving it as a PDF. Then opening the file on a comic reader (I use Panels) works well. You can create folders to organize everything.

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Aug 24, 2021Liked by Jonathan Hickman

I too would like a download, even if just pdf.

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Aug 24, 2021Liked by Jonathan Hickman

I was wondering the same….

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Aug 24, 2021Liked by Jonathan Hickman




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Aug 24, 2021Liked by Jonathan Hickman

That last panel is beautiful

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Aug 24, 2021Liked by Jonathan Hickman

It was! The kid’s been waiting at least a month here. From full moon to almost new moon. (Assuming their lunar cycles are similar to ours.)

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Aug 24, 2021Liked by Jonathan Hickman

Interesting start for the comics, my heart sank at the "He never came back" line. I'd love to see some pronunciation breakdowns for the various names and places mentioned because I always get them very wrong in my head.

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One of the things on the list is a dictionary, but we want to wait just a bit longer before you roll that out.

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“He Never Came Home”

Love it.

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Gonna come in with a lava hot take: I enjoyed this.

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Aug 24, 2021Liked by Jonathan Hickman

Incredible start, gave me a perfect balance of story and obligatory data pages. I am heavily invested now into this poor kid's dad never coming back....but is he gone???? They never found the body.

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Aug 24, 2021Liked by Jonathan Hickman

I love the cultural bits, like how they measure time on multiple scales (LC/KC). The timeline is really really juicy...

Can't wait to learn about more characters from this ill-fated mission.

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Aug 24, 2021Liked by Jonathan Hickman

I would greatly enjoy a downloadable file. Story wise it is a fantastic start.

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Aug 24, 2021Liked by Jonathan Hickman

Not to be that guy, but I think there's a typo on the last data page - 945 LC...FORTRANTA BASE ABANDONED. Should it be "FORIRANTA" --with an "i"-- like in previous mentions on that page and the page before?

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Aug 24, 2021Liked by Jonathan Hickman

Also, on the Fairy Tale page, in the Fayrii panel, "it's" should be "its". And in the final panel "Ancient's" should be "ancients' ". Ok, I'll stop. Love everything so far!

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Aug 24, 2021Liked by Jonathan Hickman

One other likely typo I noticed: The Fayrii description says "They circle closet to the sun" which I assume should be "They circle closest to the sun".

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Aug 24, 2021Liked by Jonathan Hickman

Jonathan, Mike and Mike, amazing work! Thank you. 2 quick questions, in a creative process like what you’ve built here, how long did this take to come together? Is this something that you’ve been secretly working on for a year? 6 months? Etc… also, when do you think - ballpark- we might get our first print issues? Thank you very much!

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I think we did this story in just under two weeks. (Maybe less? Mike?) We've been talking about this for a little while but nothing crazy. We REALLY are trying to not lay down too much track in our minds so you guys can see most everything in real time.

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Interesting. I was just wondering how knowing the backstory and seeing the process was influencing my read of the first "issue." But now I'm thinking that knowing the backstory and process are intrinsic to the experience. Have you thought about how the reader experience might be different for people who follow the substack vs. those who will just pick up the eventual printed version?

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That's incredible all around. Thank you for writing back. It's pretty amazing to see this all unfold real time.

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Extremely into this.

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Fayrii panel typo: closet should be closest.

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Aug 24, 2021Liked by Jonathan Hickman

ALL CHARTS!!!! Ahhhhhhhhh this is amazing!!

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Aug 24, 2021Liked by Jonathan Hickman

That panel with the academy ruins is freaking awesome! Love those Huddleston landscapes! Based on what I've seen so far, is Huddleston doing the scenes and landscapes, while del Mundo does the characters; or will they have more fluid and changing roles with this?

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Mike del Mundo and I will both be handling character designs as well as illustrating comics. It's just chance that the first posts were split between us the way they were.

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Aug 24, 2021Liked by Jonathan Hickman

This sounds like fun. And it looks fantastic!

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Aug 24, 2021Liked by Jonathan Hickman

I was wondering that myself.

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