If you’ve been following along with our announcements this and last week, then you already know our next 200-page volume will be [LEGENDS] - a collection of stories from some of our favorite creative teams, set in the 3 Worlds / 3 Moons universe.
These stories will first be serialized right here, exclusively for our paid subscribers, so if you haven’t already:
Last week, we revealed HEIR MEDICINE by Deniz Camp & Stipan Morian- and today we’re back with our next story announcement:
SACRIFICE, from the minds and hands of Dan Watters and DaNi, the creators of COFFIN BOUND.
If you’ve read comics by Dan and DaNi, then you’re well aware that they are not afraid to look at the more gruesome side of mysticism and magic (or, well, anything); we highly recommend the aforementioned COFFIN BOUND, which you can pick up here.
And what better part of our worlds and moons for Dan and Dani to tackle these themes than Akva, with an adherent of Voda-In-Glory battling facing a crisis of faith on the Biblical scale of Job?
Fittingly, DaNi has drawn each page of SACRIFICE as a delectable montage of heady iconography and gritty reality. A quick glimpse:
And don’t you forget, we have a stunning cover by Mike Huddleston for this story, as well!
So there you go- SACRIFICE by Dan Watters & Dani, our next upcoming [LEGENDS] tale, available first here, exclusively for our paid subscribers. We hope you’re as excited to read these stories as we are to share them. More to come!
- 3W/3M
I love Dani's art! Haven't read coffinbpund but her work on Arkham City was amazing
it’s interesting this isn’t being called year 3. I can’t help speculating even though you’ve said info on how to buy this is forthcoming.