Hi Bill- you are receiving a 200-page deluxe signed hardcover, the 32-page [Foundations] Comic (also signed), 2 prints (also signed), and a collector card. We just posted an update on all of the above just today- these items are shipping to you later this month, and we think that's a substantial reward offering by any standard. We also e…
Hi Bill- you are receiving a 200-page deluxe signed hardcover, the 32-page [Foundations] Comic (also signed), 2 prints (also signed), and a collector card. We just posted an update on all of the above just today- these items are shipping to you later this month, and we think that's a substantial reward offering by any standard. We also extended everyone's subscription for an additional month, free of charge, so that they would have all of these offerings before their subscriptions ended.
We sympathize with your frustration, but COVID-19 is simply a reality of the world right now and upends planned events all the time. No one is more disappointed than us, obviously, but health and safety have to come first. Appreciate your understanding.
Hi Bill- you are receiving a 200-page deluxe signed hardcover, the 32-page [Foundations] Comic (also signed), 2 prints (also signed), and a collector card. We just posted an update on all of the above just today- these items are shipping to you later this month, and we think that's a substantial reward offering by any standard. We also extended everyone's subscription for an additional month, free of charge, so that they would have all of these offerings before their subscriptions ended.
We sympathize with your frustration, but COVID-19 is simply a reality of the world right now and upends planned events all the time. No one is more disappointed than us, obviously, but health and safety have to come first. Appreciate your understanding.