Holy shit! Spider-leg McEyepatch up there is one hell of a design! Can't wait to see where he, and the rest, pop up.

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That art of Decorum book is absolutely stunning! Is that going to show up at comic shops at some point in the future, or do I need to buy it online?

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Thank you! The Art of Decorum book is only available from my blurb shop online. I tried to work out shop distribution but the price would nearly double.

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I bought it through Blurb and it was really easy. Looks great too.

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Thank you!

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Hope to see the 3W3M team at NYCC in the fall!

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I feel heard.

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The Art of Decorum book does look great! I wanted to verify that the dimensions are 6X9 inches and ask if you would ever consider doing a larger version down the road. Thanks!

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Thank you! It is 6X9" and for now there aren't any plans on doing a larger format. Mostly just trying to keep costs reasonable.

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Will Civil & Culture include essays like the ones we saw for Religion, Magic, and Economics?

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Man, I bought Horizon and was super excited to play it but I totally got sidetracked by Sifu

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Hi this is the same thing I posted in the last post but I'm putting here just because it is the place where you ask for questions (not trying to spam you ahahaha)

Hi, I hope the event will be very cool. Is it possible for founders outside US to receive part of the things that the atendees will receive and have informations about those sketches? I would love to atend and I understand if these things aren't possible but it would be cool because it would make us part of some parts of these really cool event. Thanks and I hope everyone enjoys the return of live events!

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So will all comics be printed eventually? I struggle reading digital comics so I'm really waiting for the printed stuff (which I'd the biggest reason I went with Founder).

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