If you didn’t see, the 3W3M team will be at C2E2 and Emerald City Comic Con this August and hosting VIP events at both (free for our Founding Level subscribers) that we hope you can make it to.
Come by. Hang out….and find out all the secrets we can only talk about in person!
Also last week, we debuted a brand new comic, ASSESSMENT, with art by Valentine De Landro and colors by Marissa Louise.
Okay. Thanks.
Here we are. Back again for another tasty morsel of the goings-on behind the scenes here at 3W3M!
(It just occurred to me that if we posit the existence of alternate universes — as current research into quantum mechanics and that last Spider-Man movie indicates — then perhaps we are but a cracked mirror image of the far superior 2W2M and their giant-sized Editor in Chief: Phetsne Crewak. That guy is lucky because his columns are one question shorter!)
Anyway, in this universe, we are headed face-first into finishing the contents of our [SYSTEMS] graphic novel sourcebook that is headed to you later in the year.
Personally, I’ve been very busy with some talented artisans and our letterer extraordinaire Rus Wooton preparing a couple stories headed your way in the coming weeks including the mysterious working titles: “Sisterhood” and “The Job.”
There are just a handful of [SYSTEMS] stories left after that, and we’ll be announcing the amazing artists working on those soon!
On the subject of our first printed book, I thought it’d be fun to give you a quick tease at what the team has been pouring over in terms of the contents. Basically, we are working on our first pass at what’s generally called a “book map.” Obviously, it’s still early and things may change or move but this is where our head is at today. (Also I’ve XXXd out a LOT of secret info your human minds couldn’t possibly handle.)
PAGE 01-02
PAGES 03-11
Title / Credits / Index / Introduction
PAGES 12-13
PAGES 14-19
PAGES 20-22
PAGES 23-50
PAGES 51-83
PAGES 84-115
PAGES 116-141
PAGES 142-169
PAGES 170-198
PAGES 199-200
XXXX XXX XXXXXXXX? [in Kreska?])
So that’s how we’re shaping up…at least for this week.
And with all that thrown at you…
TaylorB wrote:
Will the hardcover version be available for purchase or will it only ever be released to the top two tiers?
This edition of the [SYSTEMS] Deluxe Hardcover (signed by Jonathan, Mike and Mike) will be available exclusively for Founding Members of this newsletter. In case you missed it, we presented a mockup of it last week.
And don’t worry, if you joined us sometime after launch, you can still sign on as a Founding Member.
TJ pounds into a keyboard: So does this collect everything released so far?
Not quite. Also coming soon is our 3W/3M Deluxe Ashcan which will collect our stories RUINS and FABLE.
The 3W/3M Deluxe Ashcan will be our first traditional comic, and if you’ve read it, you know the stories set up a lot of the themes we will be following in the Vallars series, starting soon.
Chris types:
Whatever happened with the Map, Coin and the Key? did I miss that entirely?
Not at all. The Map, The Coin, and The Key are interactive elements we’ve got big plans for- and that all starts with THE PATH (coming soon, for our founding level members). But because we’re still working on that, the team decided to also give anyone in the first 500 annual subscribers the corresponding printed rewards in the meantime (more details here).
And that wraps up another 3Q3A. Before I go I want to take a second to thank all of our members who joined us for last weekend’s Worlds Worth Watching: ANNIHILATION. An amazing film that I wish there were 3 more of!
We’re already talking about the next WWW so watch this space!
-I’m almost done with Horizon Forbidden West. So you are now free to discuss.
-IF YOU NEED SOMETHING TO READ: With the upcoming release of Hickman and Huddleston’s DECORUM collection you should also pick up Mike’s ART OF DECORUM book that takes you backstage to see how his design process works and the talent he’s been bringing to 3W3M.
-IF YOU NEED SOMETHING TO LISTEN TO, the podcasting crew over at Mangasplaining has a great Gundam-themed interview with one of my favorite artists, Emma Rios. She will soon be one of your favorites as well.
And that’s it. Busy week ahead. Clear your calendar!
Viva Templar!
Simeprin’ Steve
PS: And this is a good one!!
You can now read 3 Worlds / 3 Moons in the new Substack app for iOS.
With the app, you’ll have a dedicated Inbox for 3W/3M and any other substacks you subscribe to. New posts will never get lost in your email filters or stuck in spam. Longer posts will never be cut-off by your email app. Comments and rich media will all work seamlessly. Overall, it’s a big upgrade to the reading experience.
The Substack app is currently available for iOS. If you don’t have an Apple device, you can join the Android waitlist here.
Holy shit! Spider-leg McEyepatch up there is one hell of a design! Can't wait to see where he, and the rest, pop up.
That art of Decorum book is absolutely stunning! Is that going to show up at comic shops at some point in the future, or do I need to buy it online?