It was great meeting Jonathan, Mike, Mike, and Stephen on Saturday and some of other Founders! And condolences to Stephen on the Cardinals' early exit from the playoffs. I can hang my hat on the fact that the Mets made it one day longer into the postseason I guess!
I was a monthly subscriber and upgraded to Founder when the hardcover sourcebook was revealed in February. My subscription was good through February 2023 so I assume that still stands (e.g. bridging Year One/Year Two)? Will mine renew in February or will it be pushed two months to match the extension for original founders? Just wondering how renewal will work for us latecomers.
Just wanted to say it was great to see everyone over the weekend, really just a lot of fun. I promise not to tell everyone about...😉. And I still can't believe that "Uncle Roger" came and watched us for a while and we had no idea. Emotional damage. Can't wait for the next time. Thanks for everything.
"If you were a day one subscriber (or thereabouts), soon you’ll be getting an email letting you know your subscription is about to renew. We very much hope you’ll decide to stay subscribed and continue on this journey with us."
This never happened, but I was auto-renewed a few days ago anyway. Maybe that's on me, but I was waiting to decide on whether or not to stick around for another year until I had the physical book in my hands. I have received the book, but due to traveling and general busy-ness, I never got around to really making this decision, and now I'm locked in for another year anyway. Maybe I'm just dumb, but I can't find a single support contact email to use for this so here I am in this happy comments section.
What about the vallars comic series? When it was announced I was really excited about it but I haven't seen eny updates on that. Still super excited for year 2!!
Count me in! Now, about NYCC, I couldn’t help but notice that Jonathan’s next Marvel gig touches some of the themes we’re exploring here (chaos x order) for example. That being said, I’d love to see some [PROCESS] post on writing where we get to see how does an idea gets alloted in one project where some other idea makes its way here in 3w3m.
Dope! Some long awaited news always helps to start a day! We’ve been waiting to find out what happened! Did he get attacked? Did fall into a temporal vortex? Great way to start Y2 off...bring is back to Y1’s cliffhanger! Smart! Congratulations again🍾🎈 3UP3DOWN (3W/3M) is winning!
Woo, looking forward to an amazing Year 2!
It was great meeting Jonathan, Mike, Mike, and Stephen on Saturday and some of other Founders! And condolences to Stephen on the Cardinals' early exit from the playoffs. I can hang my hat on the fact that the Mets made it one day longer into the postseason I guess!
Count me in for Year 2 at the Founder level. This world is ripe for a D&D type experience.
just curious if anyone has received the subscription renewal email yet?
I was a monthly subscriber and upgraded to Founder when the hardcover sourcebook was revealed in February. My subscription was good through February 2023 so I assume that still stands (e.g. bridging Year One/Year Two)? Will mine renew in February or will it be pushed two months to match the extension for original founders? Just wondering how renewal will work for us latecomers.
Looking forward to more time spent in this world, and hopefully even more fantastic creators joining the fray.
Would absolutely love to see an RPG of this setting. Seems like a slam dunk.
Just wanted to say it was great to see everyone over the weekend, really just a lot of fun. I promise not to tell everyone about...😉. And I still can't believe that "Uncle Roger" came and watched us for a while and we had no idea. Emotional damage. Can't wait for the next time. Thanks for everything.
Been curious about that Opeña comic since it was teased ages back, excited to read it!
Sorry to break up the positivity here, but:
"If you were a day one subscriber (or thereabouts), soon you’ll be getting an email letting you know your subscription is about to renew. We very much hope you’ll decide to stay subscribed and continue on this journey with us."
This never happened, but I was auto-renewed a few days ago anyway. Maybe that's on me, but I was waiting to decide on whether or not to stick around for another year until I had the physical book in my hands. I have received the book, but due to traveling and general busy-ness, I never got around to really making this decision, and now I'm locked in for another year anyway. Maybe I'm just dumb, but I can't find a single support contact email to use for this so here I am in this happy comments section.
What about the vallars comic series? When it was announced I was really excited about it but I haven't seen eny updates on that. Still super excited for year 2!!
Count me in for another year at the max level!
Holy &#*%!... Y'all got JEROME OPEÑA!?! Damn👍🏾🤘🏾✊🏾🔥
Excited for Year 2!
Count me in! Now, about NYCC, I couldn’t help but notice that Jonathan’s next Marvel gig touches some of the themes we’re exploring here (chaos x order) for example. That being said, I’d love to see some [PROCESS] post on writing where we get to see how does an idea gets alloted in one project where some other idea makes its way here in 3w3m.
Dope! Some long awaited news always helps to start a day! We’ve been waiting to find out what happened! Did he get attacked? Did fall into a temporal vortex? Great way to start Y2 off...bring is back to Y1’s cliffhanger! Smart! Congratulations again🍾🎈 3UP3DOWN (3W/3M) is winning!
You really bring big guns in the artist department ahah. And Vallars when is it coming?
Lets go year two