I know this is just the beginning but I have this feeling like I’m watching the beginning of the next great thing, like the people reading the first issues of X-men , Spider-Man and The Fantastic Four. This will be the franchise that will allow me and my grandkids to bond over. So what’s your merchandise plans? Let’s be honest your work with Marvel always leads to awesome new characters, so I’m just interested in first edition Merch that will make its way to a museum in 70 years

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I’m a simple man I see charts and I’m automatically onboard.

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I'm particularly excited to see Al's contributions to the overall structure. My narrative receptors are still wet and tingly from his additions to Marvel's multiversal composition ranging from the Far Shore down to Murd Blurdock, and like the nasty worldbuilding junkie that I am, I am craving for more of delicious goodness of the sort. Not to discount everyone's else work on this growing embryonic universe, I'm sure it will ultimately be a good ol' orgy of creativity, as it well should be.

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He crushed it. It's very, very Al.

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You might get a kick out of this Map of the marvel multiverse I put together a few years back Tim.


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We're what, two newsletters in and already I know this is the best $80 I've spent in a while.

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Very excited as well. Thank you for putting this together. I wish the creators coming over to Substack the best. Unfiltered original material is hard to come by.

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So, if I'm reading the charts right, Therra has two moons and Akva has none?

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This is so fucking cool. I don't have anything else to say other than I am so excited for this.

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Fingers crossed this magic system Tini Howard designed is at some point, someday, secretly practiced in a dark dusty hole by somebody wearing a cloak. fun stuff!

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You had me at the first “chart” ❤️ But seriously, this sounds like it’s going to be a blast!

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I can't wait to see how this evolves. You are one creator I'll go full boar into supporting.

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This is already shaping up to be awesome. I am curious as the "science" cycle approaches the inflection point does it reach a temporary balance or equilibrium of sorts with the "magic" cycle or is it a total collapse of one and birth of the other?

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Right? That's the deeper question, I think. What's harmony look like?

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So is the visual structure supposed to recall the Circle of 5ths in music theory? You mentioned major/minor and now harmony.

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Why do I get the feeling the Chaos moon is going to be the coolest one?

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I'm intrigued! A little confused about the "Our Story" part of the graph which tracks a little differently than what's described. But surely that's part of the fun. Looking forward to this ride!

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Haha. Good catch, but yeah, it's a hook.

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So excited for this! Can’t wait to hear more.

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fascinated with the storytelling possibilities, feels really cool to be a part of this and watch it blossom. Excited to see the hues of new skies. Signed up for Founder Tier as soon as I saw it. Also love how there's already clues in the bolding of lines and how amped everyone is!

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Very excited to see how all this unfolds! Love the interplay between science and magic.

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