
Hey guys, while I appreciate many of you being supportive (and that you had a good time), this thing did not go as expected. There’s an update in todays post about this.

Short version is we have a recording and we’re having that edited and posted behind the paywall for subscribers. There will be a transcript as well.

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Fantastic news about the recording. Thanks!

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really much appreciated with the recording, as there is time zone difference here in hk

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That's great. Thank you. It was super frustrating emailing to see if there would be a chance to listen after the live record and not receiving a response, and then not being able to log in and thinking, "Oh, well, that's it..."

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Thanks Jonathan, this pretty much sorts any issues for me personally, I'm more than happy to wait for the edited recording and can't wait to hear it!

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Is that audio and transcript up yet?

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This is greatly appreciated. Thanks a lot

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Thanks for the update. I’m looking forward to listening. Don’t worry about the hiccups along the way, keep trying new things, have fun, and keep the lines of communication open and I’m sure most will stay on board.

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I tried really hard to be there but as a father of two new born twins despite my best efforts it didn’t work. Please release this as a recording or if that’s not possible then a transcript for all of us that received the invitation but couldn’t be there.

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As a new dad strongly agree!!!

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I was luckily able to put mine to bed! (being in the same timezone as Grant)

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Despite planning to attend since this was first announced (going so far as to take the day off work) I managed five minutes before I had to leave to do dad stuff. A transcript would be greatly appreciated.

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For those of us that were busy, was this recorded? Will it be posted anywhere?

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Any chance to get a recording for the international peeps? I got the invite but it was 1 or 2 AM for me.

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It might take some getting used to, but its likely that literally everyone in attendance is at least as interested in all of your answers to all those same questions as Grant's, Jonathan. Superfun to hear that giddy fan boy tone in your voice though :) For those disappointed and or frustrated by the delays, volume discrepancies, and dropped transatlantic phone signal, I hear you, and well, I just want encourage practicing the disciplines of patience, empathy and gratitude, because this warts-and-all, look behind the curtain is exactly the type of experience I feel as though we have been promised and it was glorious both in it's mastery and it's ineptitude <3<3<3

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While I share the supporting spirit, nope it was simply not listenable.

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Nope, it was not listenable for at least 45 minutes. Grant volume was too low and Johnathan was too high. There were continuous falls of the line and the conversation was basically impossible to listen. Few suggestions: use another platform (even zoom would have been better), listen to the feedback live. We were constantly scrambling on the threads trying to say that it was not working. I understand you are not professional streamers, but this has been a failure. I really hope in a transcription, or in a recording to be offered.

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I sent in several emails to your support address but never heard back. I was unable to log in for the entire chat, no matter which device, network, or browser I used. I was among the first 100 to sign up on day 1 so I am wondering if it was some kind of technical error on your end? Will this be uploaded as an audio file to listen to for those of us that were locked out? And is there a better contact email to use for any technical issues?

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I really appreciated the in depth conversations about ideation and writing process! It was really helpful as a student studying illustration and writing, thank you for doing this!

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That was a great conversation to be able to be a part of! Thanks for putting it on!

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I was very intrigued by the idea that chaos magicians might have been successful in their goals but we got a horrible version of it. I was a bit sad that wasn’t delved into more but I realize there was only so much time.

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“We Won”

"This is a good time for magicians to get up to mischief" - Grant Morrison

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I am beyond thrilled that Jonathan and Grant talked about magic. Thanks so much for letting us in on this chat !!

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Really enjoyed it but parts of Grant's responses were hard to hear sometimes and I feel like I missed some of the interesting thoughts that they were sharing. Is there any chance you'd actually share a transcript of the conversation on here for subs?

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Cheers man. Grant Morrison & a bunch of college football today. What a great day.

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It's so great that we have finally found a way to get something real out of the internet! That was a great chat fellas and it was really cool to be able to sit in on it, thanks

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The gender discussion makes really clear how well the Invisibles & DP work in modern context. What Morrison brought to Doom Patrol 100% why that TV show works.

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Can you summarize that discussion, for those of us who couldn't hear/login?

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I don't want to put words in his mouth, but it was about exploration of his feelings about non-binary gender roles being present in his work decades ago and how more recently the language has emerged to express the same sorta things more specifically, that playing a part in his coming out as non-binary. Certainly with Lord Fanny in Invisibles, multiple characters in Doom Patrol, etc.

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Man, that's 100% the question I asked. I hope they post a recording, I couldn't get on because of the technical difficulties. Excited to hear it or read a transcript.

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Pssst Morrison uses they/them pronouns now.

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ABSOLUTELY. My mistake. Full apologies.

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Don't worry about it.

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Any chance dropping the audio or transcript? I logged in and after reloading because the screen was blank, I entered the code and email again and I couldn’t get in.

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Transcript is our best bet at this point as the audio was pretty poor.

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