To say that today has gone well is a pretty big understatement. We’re all incredibly grateful and -- more importantly -- excited about getting to share Three Worlds, Three Moons with you.
Our first couple of weeks are going to be a tasting menu of all of the different types of content we’re going to be producing. So make sure to tell us what you like -- and what you really like -- and we’ll keep that in mind.
Tomorrow is a primer. It’s “Where We Start.”
See you then.
Literally the only author on the planet who could get me to fork over $80 without knowing anything about what I'm buying.
I cannot wait to read this story! It sounds awesome! I also agree with you that there is no more spontaneity or surprise with comics anymore due to solicitations ruining what's to come. I was born in 1979 so I can recall going to drugstores or 7-Elevens or even the local corner stores to get my comics and I never knew what to expect until I saw the cover of the comic.
When I'd see Mysterio, Lizard, or Venom on the cover of Amazing Spider-Man, I'd get so excited because I didn't know what was going to happen or why they were showing up in ASM that month. Now, when I see Venom on the cover of ASM now, I just go "Oh, Venom's back again". There's no excitement, no surprise. That's not how I felt about your X-Men run though.
I absolutely loved your X-Men run! It was the first time in my life that I ever collected ALL of the X-Men and X-Family line of comics. I never attempted it before because I always thought it too daunting of a task. But with you overseeing it and show running it, I wanted to do it because I knew you were going to tell a fantastic story and you did.
I know 3 Worlds, 3 Moons is going to be awesome and I look forward to going on this journey with you and discovering this whole new shared universe that you've created, Mr.Hickman🖖.