This is my favorite (Systems) post yet. Really interesting stuff. Feels like the kind of stuff that will hook readers into a new world.

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Jan 6, 2022·edited Jan 6, 2022

Absolutely incredible! I love Ewing and this project is really turning to something special. Keep up the good work.

Also, I know that Hickman probably won't read this comment but I want to thank you for everything you did with the X men. They are my favourite comic line and your vision is without question a seminal moment. I would say that I am sad to see you leave but with you creating 3W3M and starting a new project in Marvel (my theories are Spider man or something cosmic ahahah) and also with Al Ewing and all the other writers continuing what you started, I am glad to say that I am looking forward to read all the upcoming stories

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Ewing is one of the best writers around and getting to see his brain work like this is priceless content. Great stuff, can't wait for more!

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For real, priceless.

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Really cool to see Al's process. I love the mix of historical background for the naming plus picking things that sound appropriate and cool together. I'm interested to see how literal or figurative these gods are in the story. Maybe that's in part 2.

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This is outstanding, I love it!

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Danish for Earth is VERDEN. That would go well with VODA, VATRA and VADIS.

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Jan 7, 2022·edited Jan 7, 2022

"A hedonistic paradise under control of criminals and dissolute aristos." If this isn't used as a caption at some point in the book it's a waste of a perfectly good sentence. Also, for this heathen, Ecclesiastes is the sweet spot. Job is too depressing (and Ewing's version in Immortal Hulk is way better).

Ewing's writing has so much verve and excitement in it. It's palpable. Seeing the way his process works is worth the entire price of admission.

Also we can edit comments now? Huzzah!

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I always thought of Heir as like an instigator, games of succession acting as the air that fans the flames of Fayrii.

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Being inside Al Ewing's head while he works through and problematizes this world's religious system is an absolute joy and a source of inspiration. Jumping into the rest immediately. I can't wait to see what Jonathan made of this in his notes.

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I’m apparently a month behind here. Smh! Al had me at “Manichean”. The idea of opposing forces is a natural path I guess. I think that science as a religion which allows for the inexplicable to be viewed as magic would allow us to avoid stereotypical dogma. As I read this, I thought of of the scene in MIB where we realize “the galaxy is on Orion’s belt”. What if 3W/3M represents a metaphorical molecular structure of a religious pantheon? THERE IS NO CONSTANT BESIDES THE STATE OF KHOR IN THE MAGIC & SCIENCE CYLCES? The balance being, the universe needs Khor and Khor needs the universe; yin & yang? The moons could move like a valence in an electron cloud in between the cycles; maybe even alternating planets during MAGIC. Sorry for rambling. I missed reading this stuff. I’m glad I have this moment to catch up! Great start to Religion!

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Funnily enough the Irish word Domhain means "world" the Irish for ground is "Talamh". That -mh at the end is pronounced with a v sound, tal-av, so you just about missed an Irish word with a connection to earth. Great stuff , love what I'm reading so far.

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Loving this deep dive! I'm just catching up now but it immediately reminded me of Ishmael by Daniel Quinn. I wonder if people of "Earth" or larger collectives even see themselves as religious despite having a core mythology that drives them. A mythology so ingrained they don't even see it as a system of belief in the way that people are often blind to their own cultural system. To steal another term, Scott Peck always referred to "the lens through which you see the world". I'm curious how each sect might describe the same thing and even more interesting, how they might define each other e.g. "You think you believe in this, but all your time spent on that seems to tell me a different story."

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This was a really great process to read. I might have gone with the Water planet being seen as a gate to heaven maybe, down in its depths is the way to another world, blah, blah, blah, and Khor is that world leaking though to ours, but this ended up in a better place. Really interesting stuff.

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Fascinating insight into his process, really cool reading the tangents that led to certain concepts, and so far it's made for a very interesting system of religion

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Jan 6, 2022·edited Jan 6, 2022

Actually russian for "fire" will be "Ogon' (Огонь)". "Pozhar" is when something is burning (or wildfire)

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