Continuing our series of concepts from the upcoming [SYSTEMS] Graphic Novel Sourcebook- this one focusing on the civil structure of Fayrii and Heir. But first, a reminder:
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Governing Structure: Corporatocracy / Feudal / Timocracy
Fayrii has nine royal families, with a blood-ordained monarch at the head of each.
Each family controls not just a geographic territory on the planet, but one of the nine omnicorps that make up the board of The Bank; however, their shares in the Bank are unequal and eternally fluid.
When their shares drop low enough, they can find themselves subject to hostile takeovers by one of the other families/omnicorps.
To protect their families during these takeovers, each has built up corresponding black market investments in the Syndicates on Heir. The greater the threat of a takeover, the more most families direct resources to the moon.
Thus, when exiled from Fayrii upon a takeover, these royals relocate to Heir to manage their Syndicate empires. This has an inverse effect- the most powerful families on Fayrii are the weakest on Heir, and vice versa.
The largest shareholder in The Bank is correspondingly crowned as Supreme Emperor of Fayrii.
When a Supreme Emperor has a blood successor, once that successor reaches adulthood, they are honor-bound to challenge their parent for control of The Bank. Similarly, the parent has a duty to his family’s shareholders to hunt and snuff out that successor before the claim can be made (though doing so before they reach adulthood is expressly forbidden).
Governing Structure: Anarchical / Demarchy
There is no autonomous government on Heir, but rather a patchwork of loose “turfs” controlled by various factions of exiled Fayrii royalty and their corresponding Syndicate empires.
However, when matters of unavoidable civic importance do arise, a purely random lottery is conducted to nominate a solitary decision maker whose decision on the matter is considered final. This person is known as the Malibon Sanca, and it is considered a deeply unfortunate title, as so many chosen find themselves on the receiving end of reprisals for the decisions they make.
Heir is famously lawless, but The House employs a powerful private security force, the Devigisto, to ensure legitimate outcomes and honored debts throughout all games of chance on the moon.
The Devigisto are among the most feared individuals in the solsistemo and have complete authority over their cases.
While Heir has no laws, it has many codes. Some examples:
The Vetludi Code dictates that whatever is held must be wagered.
The Code of Duels requires that if one commissions an assassination, one must put their own life at risk in corresponding fashion.
These codes- “honor among thieves”- contribute to a societal stability on Heir that belies its reputation.
Do we get to see all the charts that goes with this world building in the systems book? “Hickman’s charts” should be a comic book industry staple just like “Kirby’s crackles”.
When does this source book come out? I am dying to get my hands on it!