Today, we’ve got some exciting news- now that members of THE CIRCLE have gotten their exclusive window, the Peach Momoko [SHIFT] Variant is now available for pre-order purchase for everyone over at EMPORIA now!
That means YOU can get your hands on this extra-rare (only 1000 copies), beautiful cover:
You can also get the even-rarer virgin variant:
Or this incredible black & white sketch-style variant (both limited to only 500 copies!):
These are gonna make for an awesome addition to your collection. One note: Keep in mind these are pre-orders, with the book planning to ship by November 2025. Get them while you can!
Tomorrow we’ll be back with a look at the schedule through the holidays and into 2025- lots of cool stuff (including lots of comics) coming your way, to say the least. So keep an eye out for that, and happy shopping in the meantime.