Let’s go Year 2!

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I just got my book. Completely blown away. Absolutely gorgeous. Thank you! <3

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Are there still plans for a Founders drinks/food meet up during NYCC?

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The other question we’ve gotten is from subscribers who signed up after the deadline, wondering how they can get the book. Don’t worry- we’ll have official word on ways you can get a copy here this month,

Has there been an update on this?

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Got mine yesterday! Sooo cool!! Thanks for all the great work this year and for helping me fix all the technical hiccups.

Looking forward to year 2! 😍

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Received my box today. Glad to see this all come to fruition! Nice work 3W3M team!

Here's to a 2nd year!

So, is the Hardcover SourceBook signed as originally intended? It's sealed and I haven't opened yet to look to see if it was signed inside.

Bummer to see the Foundations prints weren't bagged/boarded. Got some dingled corners. Also, the rear covers picked up a bunch of ink that transferred from stacking while wet.

Wonder if there are replacements available, even if not signed??

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Just got mine. Absolutely beautiful through and through. Proud to have been here at the beginning of this incredible new universe being built.

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Everything arrived today, but it looks like the postal service kicked my box all the way from NY and the hardcover is dented in. 😢 I emailed Zoop and am waiting for a reply to see if there’s anything that can be done

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Got the goods! So pleased to hold something physical in my hands. It makes it all more real somehow. Great work everyone. As others have said it's all beautiful. Hope everyone is taking a well earned break before cracking on with year 2.

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Apologies if this question has been answered elsewhere, but who can we contact if the hardcover we received is damaged?

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Just got my package and it is a stunning piece of design.

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hi. You've probably answered this a hundred times before but I just got my founders set and it's stunning - so stunning that I was wondering if it's possible to gift softcover versions (ie annual subs) to other people? Or is the softcover also a limited print run and past the cut off?

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Oct 2, 2022
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ah! right. thanks. bad habit of skimming.

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Can’t locate my black ID card / credit card looking item in the box. Where did u all find yours? I got everything else except that it seems

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I almost threw mine out! It should be in there with the packaging; if you haven't thrown out yet look through the box again

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Was yours just loose in there?

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Thank you. I went back and looked through everything but still can’t find it- so bummed. I’ll keep searching though. Thank you.

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Hey Mike- If you don't find it, just email hello@wearezoop.com and they'll get you sorted.

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Awesome thank you for the reply! I’ll do that. Just tore back through the box and can’t locate anything. Been reading the books all day though! :) thank you again

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"Our Final Year..." WHOA WAIT A SECOND DON'T SCARE ME LIKE THAT "...1 Rewards Update." Ohhhh ok, self, it's all fine; you just have to read to the actual end of the phrase. :P

I received my own Founders package just today and opened everything right up. Was a little worried when I could initially hear the book sliding around inside the sealed box, but fortunately the entire set of items was encased in enough bubble wrap inside the box that the movement hadn't damaged anything. I know the packing was done by the fulfillment company and not by the team, and I hope everyone else's items arrived in perfect condition also.

Everything is gorgeous and I'm so happy to have this beautiful set of books, art, and the super nifty metal access card that I kinda wish I could wear around like an oversized dog tag! :D Also took some photos and short videos of the "unboxing," and will try and upload a few to share soon. Message to Substack: A photo upload feature right here within the comments would be really great...!

Anyway, owner of my LCS, Pulp Fiction Long Beach, said he hoped I would bring the "stuff" in to share, and I will do that - I don't know if the store's "video guy" will be stopping in tomorrow, but maybe this coming week if not tomorrow, we ca make a video there at the shop that I can share through the store's social media and link back here, too, talking about 3W3M and the experience of being a paid subscriber and first-year founder-level member.

Gotta send in my subscription payment for Year 2 in the next few days, here, and really looking forward to our Security Clearance Upgrade for all that Top Secret Year Two intel!

Thank you all once again!

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What was the cut off date?

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Still hoping to get an NYCC ticket through resale.

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