If you’ve been paying attention, you know all about how the upcoming [MAPS] Graphic Novel Sourcebook will serve as the comprehensive atlas of the Three Worlds and Three Moons – it’ll also be an amazing read.
We’re ready to show off the latest Map, but we wanted to remind you that all 12 gorgeous stories from [MAPS] are available to read right now for paid subscribers – along with everything else we’ve released so far.
Before we head to Ordo, if you haven’t yet joined us on this journey, you should:
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When traveling on Ordo, will your take your chances getting lost in the shadow of the Institute? Better use the ORDO TRANSIT map, illustrated by Pepijn Berghout.
The SINGURAIL is the transit system connecting all of ORDO, encompassing every lab, research facility, and outpost of the Institute itself.
There’s more to it than meets the eye, however. The Singurail is a living thing. Its lines and stops are constantly in flux, changing and rearranging as plans are formed, discoveries made, and destinies forged.
Each member of the Institute is given the right to request a transfer, allowing them to change their workplace or area of focus, and arrive at an existing station. In rarer, more ambitious instances, a new station entirely can be requested – necessitated exclusively by the discovery of a new branch of science.
Transfer and new station requests are made of The PA, a committee upon whose sole discretion transfers are granted. New stattion are a great honor for an Institute scientist. Most are denied, and new line requests are an even rarer occurrence, usually precipitated by a great crisis.
The Singurail can take Institute members to Institute Prime, the Hall of Judges, the Great Biblioteka, Kolegio de Fajro, and anywhere else they might need to go.
Along with 12 killer comics drawn by some of the best and brightest talents in comics, the [MAPS] Graphic Novel Sourcebook will have more Maps like this, world-building galore, and so much beautiful art and behind-the-scenes material.
If you signed up before the cutoff, members of THE CIRCLE will receive a special, limited edition deluxe hardcover (along with a corresponding, numbered book plate), while annual Subscribers will receive a softcover edition (plus shipping for both). Each edition will feature beautifully designed covers by Sasha E Head, and match the first sourcebook in format and dimensions.
Keep an eye out for more [MAPS]!
Hoping that Phineo’s line is on this map!
this is really cool looking - just curious - will there be a legend for the various stops?