Gang! Update from ground zero:

Having a couple tech issues. We will be there in just a minute. Talent is sitting patiently on a couch while we work this out. Sorry.


Steve W.

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For all - Favorite thing to draw (in general)?

For all - Favorite issue or project you’ve done?

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Any fun creative meeting-of-the-minds ideas while doing all that signing, mostly just shooting the s---, or a little of both?

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Any chance this can be recorded for later viewing?

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Yep, all the livestreams are recorded and available to watch- usually about an hour after they finish live.

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FYI looks like the last Del Munro live draw needs to have the privacy settings adjusted to be viewable

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Aw, that would be great!

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Silly question, but where is the recording posted?

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I never got the livestream invite link email. Can you confirm?

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Hi Jonathan, Mike, Mike, and Stephen

My question - Since you've created a whole solar system and in the first year touched upon many different characters other than the Vallars, are you planning multiple series to run concurrently? Or several different mini-series to tackle the wealth of ideas? Just wondering if you can talk about the whole publishing plan to get all these great ideas down into beautiful art.

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I'll be in studio sessions all day today and can't be on for this livestream, but WOW the meetup last night was incredible. Thank you all SO much - beyond words. I'm still buzzing. :D

Hey Stephen, I don't think I can send you the Angry Girlfriend Variant pics directly here - no photo uploads. But here is a Twitter thread that has a couple of pics.


Also, I searched your Discord screen name last night (the one you had used in the 3W3M server before its demise) and you didn't come up, but also Discord makes it a little tricky to message people if you're not in any same servers, and I don't have your Discord "number" to "friend add" you there. I'm on there as wynnesome#4442 - feel free to send a message or add me. Definitely hoping to see 3W3M back on Discord in some form, and very, very happy to help with that in any way that would *be* helpful. :D

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