How dare you do a MDM Vojogonto print. HOW DARE YOU.

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Holy smokes, dude ... I guess I should just get them all and apologize to my wife when the credit card bill arrives?

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I own that print of Tajo and Phin and have only just now noticed the aquarium behind his bed hints at... lets say, a new friend of the family...

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Those prints are absolutely gorgeous. Take my money.

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Absolutely drooling over all of these!

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that Del Mundo print is inbelievable

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So annual subscribers get access on Saturday? Can’t wait!!

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I set a reminder for 9am, where’s the easy button to start buying? ;)

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I see Deadlymike is trying to kill my wallet

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Those new pieces by Huddleston and Del Mundo are GORGEOUS. Just beautiful and so creative. Definitely going to get my self one of each.

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Good thing my tax return is coming in...

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