[DISPATCH] Filth vs. Gold in New [MAPS] Story
Get a sneak peek at the latest [MAPS] story drawn by André Lima Araújo, plus see what else we've been up to.
Welcome back to a brand new installment of the [DISPATCH], a weekly direct report from us to you, with news, recaps, exclusive content and more.
Last week saw the debut of Juni Ba and Dave Stewart’s REGA CASKAMPO, the latest story from the upcoming [MAPS] Graphic Novel Sourcebook. If you haven’t read it, give yourself a treat to start the week.
With EMPORIA orders starting to go out (more on those below), we’ve also been getting a number of questions about when [MAPS] will be available or if anyone missed sending us their info for fulfillment. We have not yet requested info for our Year 2 subscriber rewards, including [MAPS], which will all be sent at once and aren’t connected to any of the store orders. If you’re already a member of THE CIRCLE, our premium membership tier, or an Annual paid subscriber, you don’t have to do anything right now to ensure you get [MAPS]. We will let you know when everything is happening and collect your info then.
If you’re not yet a paid subscriber, we’re currently offering 20 PERCENT OFF all new Annual Subscriptions through May 29th – our biggest discount ever.
Tomorrow will see the release of our latest story from [MAPS], making this another three-comic week, including the Sunday [SERIAL], ACADEMY. We advise you to buckle up and maybe strap on a helmet to prepare yourselves for SANKTA URBO, drawn by André Lima Araújo and colored by Chris O’Halloran. This story explores the Holy City of Akva via a brutal conflict between the gold priests and the filth priests. It’s violent, it’s filthy, and it’s glorious.
Here’s a sneak peek at André and Chris’ work:
As a reminder, you can check out the other [MAPS] stories and every [COMIC] we’ve released to date all in one place.
Now, let’s take a look at the week that was…
[COMICS] We unveiled two new comics for you last week, and one of the first questions we got was, “How quickly can we get new comics every day of the week?” Rest assured, we’re working on it, but we can’t ramp up without your support. Whether you’re a Day 1 die hard or you joined us recently, sharing 3W/3M posts with friends and family is a huge part of helping us grow and ultimately delivering more for you. If they want to read great stories, have a hand in building this concept universe alongside us, or take part in some of the fun we have coming up this year, we appreciate you helping us get the word out and reach more like minded people. You can also send your friends and loved ones a gift subscription for birthdays, graduations, or days that end in a Y.
We’re now five episodes into THE VALLARS, our first ongoing series, which centers on the exploits of a young Tajo Vallar as a boy explorer, as well as the rest of his family. Every Thursday, Jason Howard and Frank Martin deliver a brand new episode full of adventure, heart, and wonder, not to mention some of the best looking visuals around. The story takes place a generation before the current cycle of the universe, and there’s plenty of things that will be seeded there and pay off later. Best of all, it’s always 100% free to read, for everyone.
As mentioned up top, the fourth story from our upcoming [MAPS] Graphic Novel Sourcebook is also now in the wild, and takes place in the royal hunting ground of REGA CASKAMPO. We have to tip our ĉapoj to the art team behind it, Juni Ba and Dave Stewart. Tremendous work from all involved, including letterer extraordinaire Rus Wooton.
[PROCESS] A big component of the 3W/3M ethos is making sure you’re not just getting a front row seat to what we’re doing, but you’re also an active participant in seeing the process come together. Mike del Mundo and Mike Huddleston jam on all the designs for our world, and last week they also teamed up for a new [PROCESS] post for REGA CASKAMPO. If you love the Leono, want to find inspiration in the world around you, or wonder how to make weapons as beautiful as they are deadly, this is a must-read.
[SERIAL] Steve Epting continues to showcase all of the tools in his arsenal as the artist and colorist behind ACADEMY, our weekly Sunday Serial. Syg the Stag and Tajo (as an adult) are well and truly going through it on Kaoso, and you can check out the twentieth episode right now. As always, there’s more where that came from this Sunday.
[EMPORIA] Our new digital storefront, EMPORIA, is now live for everyone, though paid subscribers get access to exclusive products, discounts, and early access.
We let everyone know ahead of launch that all of the items would initially be available for pre-order rather than shipping immediately to allow us to work out any issues and avoid having you wonder where your order is. During this time we’ve also managed to bring down the cost of shipping in some cases (we heard you, non-US readers), and we anticipate that most outstanding orders will be fulfilled in the coming days. Rest assured, we are working hard to get everything out to you as soon as we can, and we appreciate all your patience and enthusiasm thus far.
Thanks to Phil Vickery and Keith P. for sharing their items over on Chat. We’re thrilled to see everyone happy with their purchases!
See you back here tomorrow for the debut of SANKTA URBO.
Just a quick comment that I love the addition of THE DISPATCH. It’s just what we needed.
Will the MAPS book also have some actual maps? I love fantasy maps in books! Having some added to the book would be awesome.