Oct 14, 2022Liked by 3 Worlds / 3 Moons

Wow! This is completely unexpected surprise! Mr. Epting involved puts the cherry in top of this very welcoming Sundae😉

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Oct 14, 2022Liked by 3 Worlds / 3 Moons

Nice! I think that was what you intended early on when you said you wanted comics to be unexpected and magical again - instead of predictable or ruined by solicits. I love how things are getting rolling now.

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Oct 14, 2022Liked by 3 Worlds / 3 Moons

Love it

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Oct 14, 2022Liked by 3 Worlds / 3 Moons


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Oct 14, 2022Liked by 3 Worlds / 3 Moons

A hearty welcome to Mr. Epting. Thanks for joining the crew!

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Oct 14, 2022Liked by 3 Worlds / 3 Moons

WOW! Was not expecting this!

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Steve Epting is one of my favorite graphic artists of all time. This is a major coup, and reinforces what a special thing is being created here. His work on Captain America, Velvet, and (probably most pertinently to 3W3M fans) Fantastic Four has already put him in high esteem. Can’t wait to see what new stories he is going to show us!

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Loved his time on FF!

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This makes me so happy on many levels (Steve Epting, weekly 3W3M content, Steve Epting). But as a child I collected the Sunday weekly Star Wars comic strips by Archie Goodwin and Al Williamson and made my own Star Wars comics out of them. I looked forward to that 6-8 panel rush every Sun morning. I hadn’t thought about it in years until this annoucement and the joy my inner 11 year old feels is even more than several monthly comics annoucements could bring. Thank you for bringing something I had forgotten I missed so much.

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Really excited for this! How cool to get a weekly comic strip drawn by Steve Epting!

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Very excited for this!

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This is great! Love Epting and love the idea of appointment comics. Will it come out weekly on the same day? Knowing that I need to check my Substack on X day of the week will make my life a lot easier.

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Couldn’t help but notice that Dr. Tajo wasn’t carrying his arbo de spiro on his righ hand, though.

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An omnious conversations with a magic elk in deep space, beautifully brought to life by Steve Epting. Alright, now we’re talking!

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As a fan of Sunday funny papers, I am too excited to check in on an ongoing strip.

So cool, you guys.

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Steve Epting!!! 😍 That's so exciting to hear we're going to be getting something, and a regular something, from him really soon. Also, maybe I'm wrong here, but as far as I can tell he seems to be very underrated in the fandom/industry as a whole (well, perhaps less so these days than in the 90s, but still...), so it always warms the cockles of my heart to see love and appreciation for his work.

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