Fuck man, again with the lack of disposable income. If someone wants to get my goodest of good boys Bootsy immortalized, he had more love within him than any animal, let alone dog, than I've ever encountered in my life. Everyone in my life can back me up on this. 1 year since he crossed that rainbow bridge. Aaaaaaand now I'm crying 😭 thanks guys!

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man…debating on pulling the trigger for the headshot…just curious for those who read this - if y’all could choose any head shot who would you choose?

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*Insert assassination joke here*

But seriously I've made it a habit of asking artists who THEY enjoy drawing or what their favorite character is. I hope MK and MM always enjoy that. Fuck, Huddleston did a 2 second sketch of Hellblazer, a character I NEVER would have thought of asking for despite my love of the character, that routinely BLOWS away other long time pros looking though my book.

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