If I'm understanding this correctly, Circle members are getting 4 hardcovers, the calendar, the watch, Hyatt's Hold preview edition, Institute newsprint, Competition comic, and the HAVO plushie next year? With such an huge increase in rewards, I can't help but wonder if a price increase is coming?

UPDATE: Oh I see, you are splitting the hardcovers into two separate years.

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Are they splitting into two separate years? The clarification seems to imply that there are two shipments coming next year including Histories, Legends 1&2, and One.

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Yeah it’s not worded ideally, but it seems like there 2 hardcovers in year 3 and 2 in year 4, technically. It’s essentially saying you’ll get all this if you stay subscribed.

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That's exactly right. You're now getting 2 hardcovers in year 3 and 2 in year 4.

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all I can say is, the Rewards communication has been foggy from the beginning. I get it, things are moving, but when you start discussing the physical media people may receive for their investments, it's best to keep it all as clear as possible... as if there aren't writers or editors who could help provide clarity on this. The way this was written was a bit of a bait and switch " we're going to offer two rewards shipments next year. Oh, but you need to pay for two subscriptions to receive it."

Really, that just means you're announcing year 3 and year 4 rewards.

If that's a misreading, I'm open to a clarification.

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Hey there- f you're a member of THE CIRCLE, you're now getting 2 hardcovers instead of 1 during your year 3 membership. You're then getting 2 more hardcovers in year 4. That's a doubling of [REWARDS] from the previous sets by any measure! Sorry if it wasn't clear.

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It says the second shipment is coming "after subscription renewals", although I guess that's actually dependent on when you subscribed.

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Ah, that's the confusion, I see now. One calendar year, but two subscription years...

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Can't wait for all these rewards! Ya'll really are the best. Keep up the great work. It is going to be an exciting year for 3W3M fans!

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Good luck with the Kickstarter! Honestly, the $50 tier comes with a lot of pages to read at this point.

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This is crazy exciting!

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So excited that you are bringing 3W3M to Kickstarter. It's an amazing comics community.

Any chance that you will be offering something exclusive to the Kickstarter campaign that is not going to be included in the Circle rewards (other than the individual Arrivals and Shift volumes)?

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Just to be clear, subscribers at The Circle level will be getting everything that's available in this KS campaign, right? It sounded like that, but there were also a lot of moving parts, so I wanted to confirm.

Also, will Circle members receive rewards prior to KS backers?

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As an annual subscriber, I would've preferred an all-in-one softcover of [ONE], rather than splitting it into three separate volumes. I guess it's not the end of the world if the content is the same, but it would've looked nicer on the shelf next to all the other books. Was there a reason for doing it this way?

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My little bit of autistic collection brain is a little annoyed ONE is containing all the Foundations stuff I already have. Happy to have BREATHE and the two new OGNS but now I have this older Foundations that I bought that's obsolete.

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I just subscribed for the annual tier today, about 2 hours before this announcement. Have I missed any cutoff date? What will I be entitled to?

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Nope, you haven't missed any cutoff. You'll receive both the [HISTORIES] graphic novel sourcebook and [LEGENDS] volume 1 as your upcoming rewards.

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Will we also receive ONE and Legends Volume 2 if we stay annual subscribers through to the end of 2025?

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Hi, just looking for some clarity on the difference between the circle and the annual rewards.

It seems like Annual subscribers are also getting Histories, One, Legends One and Legends two? Just not as deluxe treatment as the Circle? Or are we only getting some of those rewards? Thanks!

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Annual subscribers get softcovers/single editions, yes. Circle members get signed deluxe hardcovers and a host of other rewards. You can see a summary of this year's right here: https://3w3m.substack.com/p/the-full-list-of-3w3m3y-announcements

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All this is awesome. I love being a Circle member here!

I keep telling my LCS (shoutout Pulp Fiction Long Beach, Long Beach CA!) about 3W3M and showing them the amazing rewards packages - the shop is my best shipping address, so I get to unpack and show off, haha! And owner Ryan's first question is always WOW, followed by - will there be material from this project available for the shelves of the store?

I can understand that the first couple of years were reserved for substack subscribers/members! But now that there is a Kickstarter and the express goal of opening up and attracting new members to the community -- will there be any kind of retailer tier for shops to stock any of the books?

Alternatively, will there be any kind of promo signage package for shops to at least promote the kickstarter and 3W3M to customers who might like to back it and join the community? I tell Pulp Fiction customers about 3W3M all the time - we have a lot of Jonathan Hickman fans, and especially this past year, coming in for GODS, Ultimate Invasion/Ultimate Spider-Man, Wolverine: Revenge, and a big resurgence in sales of East of West trade paperbacks. I don't know how many follow up, but I'm always telling those people about 3W3M, and most of them have never heard of it... So hopefully at least some are checking it out and joining once I tell them what it is and how to find it.

That said, I think if there was some kind of retail promotional signage/flyer packet, we could do an even better job of pointing comics readers and fans of Hickman and the other creators toward 3W3M.

I'll sure start telling people about the kickstarter, but... official promotion going hand in hand with hand-selling would be even better!

Thank you all again for an amazing venture that just keeps growing in more amazing ways.

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Wait, is Nick Spencer part of the core 3W3M creative team now?

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"Essentially, this Kickstarter will dramatically expand the scale of our upcoming year 3 [REWARDS], AND even reveal the centerpiece of the year 4 [REWARDS] on top of that."

The above could be inferred that the ONE content is an expansion of Year 3 Rewards.

If that is the case, why would we need to renew a subscription?

Do you really mean that that is part of the year 4 rewards?

And not for nothing, but whatever happened with these year 1 rewards that seemed to never come:

"map, the key, and the coin"


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[LEGENDS] Volume 1- a 200-page deluxe hardcover has been added to your year 3 rewards. 3W/3M [ONE] is the centerpiece of year 4 rewards, when you'll also receive [LEGENDS] Volume 2! Hope that helps.

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After seriously considering canceling my annual subscription based on not feeling like I received enough physical rewards to justify the price, I'm very happy to see that there are many stories coming my way.

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It’s good to remember that part of your subscription is paying them to do the creating, writing, and’s art of each comic in addition to the physical rewards themselves.

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Yeah, I get that! Still wasn’t too sure if it was worth my personal investment. But I’m excited now!

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... as long as you pay for two subscriptions.

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Even halving the rewards is more than I got the first two years.

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also two years of annual subscription at 160 is cheaper than getting legends and histories through the ONE kickstarter.

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Yeah it’s about $20 cheaper.

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