I don’t think any of us were prepared for the lightning bolt of energy that came with last week’s 3W3M announcements as we lock down our numbers and get closer to getting our first books - the [SYSTEMS] Graphic Novel Sourcebook and Foundations -- to you.
The subscriber growth has been unbelievable, and I’m confident you are going to love these books when they are in your hands this summer.
While one deadline has passed, there is still a lot coming your way here over the next couple of weeks.
There are still 3 brand new stories from the [Sourcebook] that will premiere here.
And then we launch into our next big phase along with our first ongoing series (with art by Jason Howard) and some other new projects I’ve just received scripts for.
Plus… our next LIVE DRAW with Mike del Mundo!
Plus… our next World’s Worth Watching!
Plus… I’m supposed to do a podcast! (Anyone know somebody at Mail Chimp or Blue Apron?!?!)
As always, though, none of this happens without you, so thanks for being a part of growing this new Universe.
Now … Let’s get to this week’s 3Qs! Straight from you!
(And don’t forget to leave your own Q’s in the comments below!)
Nick Bryan types:
Is there an estimate on the shipping amounts? Especially for international, as I'm aware that can sometimes get quite expensive. (I'm in the UK personally.)
Not yet. As I’m sure you know, shipping on everything has gone up over the past few years, but we are working with Zoop to keep it as reasonable as we can.
We are also trying to get all the promised material to subscribers in one single shipment to save on costs. That requires a lot of extra planning between printers and our own schedule, so stay tuned for more news on that front.
Vinz unbelievably took the time to write:
Is the Q&A from 2021 still up-to-date, or does the book also ship internationally? Like for me, the Netherlands?
Yep. Even the Netherlands!! However, you have to promise to send us some Kroketten and Bitterballen!
In fact, there’s a new rule! Effective immediately! Books only go out if I get snacks! EiC’s must be fed!!
Look what nix sent in:
Will the signatures for Foundations be inside or on the cover?
The plan right now is for the team’s signatures to be on the inside of the book. (That detail took a 40-minute meeting yesterday to coordinate!)
Bits of business:
If you’ve heard the collective gasp of comics readers worldwide over the past couple of weeks, it’s because of two new releases that everyone was waiting for:
-Ed Brubaker, Sean Phillips and Jacob Phillips continue their masterwork RECKLESS with a new volume called THE GHOST IN YOU. Given the legend these guys have carved, there is no doubt that the book will be another groundbreaking, heart-stopping story. You should read it.
-Coming in June is the incredibly creepy new book THE DARK ROOM by Gerry Duggan, Scott Buoncristiano, and Tamra Bonvillain.
It starts with a photographer in the 1930s… and then I don’t know how to describe what comes next. It’s scary, great … and includes Disco Elves. So…yeah…I’m in.
That’s it for this week.
Keep an eye on this space. More coming very soon if the 37 emails I’ve received as I’ve started typing this are any indication!
Viva Templar!
Super excited to hear that Jason Howard will be doing an ongoing series!!
Definitely feel for Nick and Vinz's concerns above.
When subscribing, the original items were offered, but no mention of needing to pay for shipping was made. Once the Sourcebook was announced, it was stated that shipping would need to be covered by the recipient, and that this allowed international shipping.
Now all items will be included in a single shipment, covered by the recipient.
Could a subscriber pass on the sourcebook and have all other items sent without additional cost?
I only ask as it feels like bundling the other items with the sourcebook is a way to subsidize 3W3M's costs. I don't think anyone would pass on the sourcebook, just acknowledging what others might be thinking. Most won't balk at $20, but some are likely fearful of a $40+ shipping and handling charge from the third party to handle all the items safely, on top of the founders subscription.
Appreciate you trying to work with Zoop to minimize costs and considering this for those affected.
Looking forward to everything regardless, it's been a fun ride so far!
p.s. sorry for that 40 min you won't get back.