Continuing our [3W/3M/Y2] announcements, today we’ve got a great one on the community side to take us into the weekend.
Throughout Year One, we’ve regularly hosted [WORLDS WORTH WATCHING] parties focused on films we love that were also great examples of world-building. They’re a lot of fun, and we’re going to continue them in Year Two (and even add some cool stuff to the mix).
But as much as we love watching things, we love reading things even more. So we’re pleased to announce [WORLDS WORTH READING] - our official 3W/3M community book club.
Each month, we’ll actually select two books (sometimes curated, but often with community input)- one graphic novel and one prose novel to discuss. From there, we’ll post regular discussion threads and insights, as well as occasional features going further in depth on the books in question.
Not only that, but after those discussions, the team (and special guests) will record a podcast conversation about the book in question.
That’s the plan for now- obviously we’ll experiment and figure out what works best together. We’ll also likely wait to get this feature going in January after the holidays, but wanted to give you a heads up now, so you can start thinking of suggestions.
More announcements coming next week!
I can’t wait to introduce Stephen to this whole X-Men business...but seriously maybe one of the Culture books or the first Expanse novel might be a good fit for this crowd. Comics wise...hmmm...I’d love to see what y’all thought of Ewing’s Immortal Hulk.
Anything by N.K. Jemisin